Conserving Energy Is Better Than Wasting It On Pesky People

Lesson from certain weeds and flowers we adore

Josephine Crispin
4 min readMar 3, 2023
Gazania, also known as African daisy, is one of certain flowers that are highly evolved in that they protect themselves from the cold or from predators that harm their pollens

Throughout life, most of us will likely meet people who would try to make us feel small, or unworthy, or simply imperfect.

They could be schoolmates.

They could be workmates, even the boss.

Worse, they could even be a friend or family, maybe a parent, a sibling, or a relative.

These are toxic people whose joy in life is putting people down to elevate themselves. They are easy to recognise. They could be subtle or brash in sucking dry our happy energy, which is how they get their highs.

Some of us would fight back against this type of people. A fight-back that is not necessarily aggressive. Just a tad unfriendly, a firm step to put this egocentric in place.

But some of us, like myself for example, dislike sharp conflicts. I prefer tact. Never the combative type, I would rather protect myself and save my energy (unless, of course, it is a life-or-death situation; I choose my battles wisely).

Of weeds and flowers

Which reminds me of Nature. Of weeds and flowers whose nature I could humbly compare to my disposition against wicked people that I have met in…



Josephine Crispin

Writes about writing, nature, animals, the environment, social issues and spirituality. Editor and published author of romance novellas amongst other genres.