Finding Perfection

But is there such a thing, perfection?

Josephine Crispin
2 min readAug 31, 2024
A rose seems unconcerned by its imperfections while exuding calm beauty and muted perfection

A perfect life seems to be everyone’s quest
full of fun, awash with ease, all the very best.
An imperfect life is not to everyone’s craving
jammed with hard toil, suffused with struggling.

But how do we really know perfect
is it by receiving everything we expect?
Is it by being served all we wish on a plate
inheriting fame and fortune by the crate?

And how do we really know sunny
if we haven’t first experienced what’s murky?
How do we know joy, glory and ecstasy
if we have not first felt gloom and misery?

Struggling in the dark brings us to the light
Toiling with tearful effort wins us the fight
Suffer and surrender not to any life’s strife
Aim high, aim right to reach fulfilment in life.

There is no fulfilment without first frustration
No bliss and felicity without first tribulation
No glee and complacency without desolation
No earned perfection without battling imperfection.



Josephine Crispin

Writes about writing, nature, animals, the environment, social issues and spirituality. Editor and published author of romance novellas amongst other genres.