What Makes A Writer’s Work Compelling?

Whether you write poetry or fiction in any genre, you need this one attribute to attract readers’ engagement

Josephine Crispin
4 min readFeb 17, 2022


The story is probably not engaging enough for kitty, hence, the yawn. Photo by Kanashi from Pixabay

Passion for writing, especially creative writing, is not what is being referred to in this article.

Neither is the craving for gold (in terms of fees or royalties) and celebrity when one’s work, a book maybe, becomes a bestseller.

Being passionate is, of course, a must. But the necessity of passion towards a path to success can be also applied on other types of endeavor; like aiming for a corner office on the top floor, or collecting coffee mugs from all over the world.

For creative writers, passion is essential but not enough.

There is one thing that needs to be there, a certain presence if you will, while spinning verses or intertwining settings, narrations, narratives, episodes, and dialogues.

Let me share a few anecdotes first.

My US-based rocket scientist friend was watching a TV interview with a romance novelist. The interviewer asked what she felt while writing the saucy, sexy scenes in her novel.



Josephine Crispin

Writes about writing, nature, animals, the environment, social issues and spirituality. Editor and published author of romance novellas amongst other genres.